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Infinite Mind – Meditation

Infinite Mind – Sacred Vedic Meditation

This sacred art of Vedic Meditation is taught for the first time. Vedas that evolved thousands of years ago gifted humanity with sacred knowledge of the universe and
one’s existence in relation to it.

Siddatha Gotama, or the historic Buddha who lived and taught 2600 years ago explored all the Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Atharva, and Sama) under the greatest teachers of his time. Seeing limitations in the fundamental view of the Vedas, he investigated his own consciousness and physical reality using vedic meditative techniques (dhyana) as tools and as a foundation.

Finally, he found a technique that transcended the Vedic view and discovered the ultimate reality of one’s consciousness and the universe created by it. He saw three universal laws that once realized and integrated into life, the potential for liberating from our cyclic process of being was possible.

The Infinite Mind Awareness Path shows the practitioner how to access the wisdom of the heart through Mantra (sound), Yantra (visual) Sanketha (visual), and Mudras (physical touch). The stress, dissatisfaction, anxiety, depression and all mental pain and suffering occur because we are caught in an eternal cycle of reactions (re-action) to impulses we receive through our 5 senses and misperceived and misinterpreted by our clouded mind.

I have developed this unique meditation based on Buddha’s teachings and sacred vedic knowldge of Mantra, Yantra, Sanketha, and Mudras; Infinite Mind Awareness Path (iMAP) to guide those who are interested in getting out of this cyclic process.

This method takes you on a path of gradual awakening using:

• Mantras – The subtle sound of sacred, powerful mantras.
• Yantras – Mantra energies imprinted into physical objects as Yantra that carry and hold with stability the mantra power.
• Sanketha- Symbols that contain crystallised essence of the mantra and yantra energies.
• Mudras- Keys to unlock the heart chakra and access higher spiritual qualities that override our negative energy patterns or habits and behaviours.

You will learn simple techniques incorporating these 4 Pillars of Healing to very quickly refine your mind from current level of vibrational energy to heightened states of awareness to transform your life.

The Infinite Mind Course is taught in 4 Parts and via zoom sessions on Tuesdays 7pm and Sundays 7pm. (Direct inquiries to:

Part One: Energy Architecture of Mind and Body

Journey into the Subtle Fields
– Chakra
– Nadi
– Marma
– Mudra

Journey into Matter Field
– Coarse and Refined Qualities of Matter or Physical Reality or your Body.
– Coarse and Refined Qualities of Matter or Physical Reality of the external world.
– Senses and Sense objects
– 5 Sense organs and their objects
– Meditations: Experience the Body & material constituents Coarse Matter and 5 Energies

Part 1 consists of 4 Sessions of 90 min each. 7pm-8:30pm

Fee: $350 Please make payment before attending.

Payment can be made via:
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062 733
Account: 1000 8212
Name: Ranga J Premaratna


Office => (555) 555-5555


123 Example Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

